For all antenatal appointments please call the midwife booking number on 0141 232 4005 between 9am – 4.45pm to be given an appointment at the hospital.
Community Psychiatric Nurses CPN’s
We now have CPN’s attached to our Practice. Patients with mild to moderate mental health difficulties can be referred to them through their GP, Health Visitor or Practice Nurse.
Community Pharmacists
We now have practice pharmacists attached to the practice. They are taking appointments for your medication reviews. Please phone the surgery to make appointments.
Advanced Practice Physiotherapist
We now have a Physiotherapist attached to the practice. They can help diagnose and develop a plan for you. Provide exercise advise, Manage pain, link with GP for medication or sickline if needed, Referral for further investigations if needed. Ongoing treatment for you may be referred to the main physiotherapy service or Orthopaedics at the hospital.